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21 Days Fasting-Day 5



TEXT: ACT 19:20

So the word of the Lord powerfully continued to spread and prevail.

Inspirational tonic for Fervent praying

We are in the days of strange revival we are the world needs to experience God through the church. God needs to raise his church to a dimension where the world cannot contend with it the word of God needs to spread like wild fire all over the world. The church should be a place where people come and find God and answers to all their problems. The earth must be filled with the glory and the knowledge of God as the waters covers the sea. The word of God must be heard all over the world and we need to pray for the prevalence of God’s word in this end time like never before.


1. Father, thank you for what you are about to do for your church.

2. My father my father, you said you would build your church and the gates of hell will not prevail, every gates of hell against HSMI, we destroy you in Jesus name.

3. Our father, you are the beauty of any church, please build your church in a fashion that is pleasing to you alone in Jesus name.

4. In HSMI, we received the baptism of God’s word you know I midst in Jesus name.

5. Oh Lord, let HSMI be a place where your raw word would come out with so much power in Jesus name.

6. Every spirit of heresy, in the name of Jesus you are not permitted in HSMI, go to hell now.

7. Every spirit that manipulates God’s word in the heart of the people, we command you today go to hell in Jesus name.

8. Father, as a church we decree that your word will serve as hammer that will break every Rocky heart in every member and mold them to your taste in the name of Jesus.

9. Father, we pray that the power in your word will begin to work strange wonders you know I midst in the name of Jesus.

10. In the name of Jesus, we command that in this land your word is growing and it’s prevailing with power right now.

11. By the power in your ward, every anti-gospel spirit walking in this land, you are broken and sent to hell in the name of Jesus.

12. My father my father, we ask that in every of our services your own diluted word will walk tremendous wonders from now on in our midst in Jesus name.

13. We decree by the power in the name of Jesus in the word of God that God’s word is growing in the church in this land and all over the world in the name of Jesus.

14. Father we confess and decree by the power in your spoken word that every help HSMI needs right now surface in Jesus name.

15. HSMI, we decree into you by the power in the word of God that you are increasing numerically, financially, spiritually, connection wise and in every area in the name of Jesus.

16. In the name of Jesus we pray that from today in HSMI the word of God will bring Raw Miracles and diverse manifestations that would showcase the reality and the practicality in God’s word in Jesus name.

17. We confess this in faith today that we are a product of the word, the word is living in us, the word is changing us, the word is making us, the word is building us, the word is molding us and we are more than a conqueror through the word of God. we decree according to God‘s word that we are the light to our world, we are a city set upon a hill that cannot be hid. We decree by the virtue of the word of God which is the power of God that every area of our life that has been filled with darkness is receiving the light of God in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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